Bus Riders

    The district provides bus transportation to and from school for all students living 1.5 miles or more from the school. Student's assigned bus routes can be found on Teacher Ease.

    Pick up and drop-off times can be found on the Lawn Manor website under Transportation.

    Bus routes are created to run as efficiently as possible and to avoid having children on buses for extended periods of time.

    Actual stop times will vary for the first several weeks of school as route patterns are established, and the students adjust to boarding and getting seated. Students must ride their assigned bus and board/disembark at their assigned bus stop. We may assign seats on the bus if we feel it is necessary to maintain order and safety.

    Students are expected to be at their assigned bus stops at least 10 minutes prior to the arrival time. Kindergarten students must have an approved adult present before the driver allows the student off.
    1st/2nd grade students will be let off the bus with or without an adult present. Please review the bus riding expectations found in the Lawn Manor Handbook.

    All students will receive a bus tag for their backpack. PLEASE make sure the bus tag is on the backpack at all times.



    Car Riders

    Congestion around school buildings is a tremendous safety issue. Drivers should be mindful of designated drop-off areas.

    Bus lanes are for buses ONLY. No parking or dropping off.

    Unload/pick up children when parked. Do not stop in the middle of the street.

    Cell phone usage is illegal in school zones.

    Please do not block our neighbors’ driveways.


    Bus Stops

    Bus Times

    Transportation Request Form - Once request is processed, you will receive a confirmation email from the Office