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Please call the attendance line at (708) 423-3078. When leaving a message, please indicate your child's name and teacher, also why they are absent. All student absences must be reported prior to 9:30am of the day missed, unless prior notification has taken place. The school office will contact the family of any absent student not called in. If a student is missing 5 or more days due to illness, a doctor's note will be required before allowing them to return.
*While regular attentance is very important, in consideration of the staff and other children, please do not send your child to school when they are sick. Vomiting, fever, or a disruptive cough are reasons to keep your child at home. Students must be fever free, and vomit free without the use of medication, for 24 hours before returning to school.*
Students are not allowed to carry any medication on themselves here at school. If your child is required to take medication, please turn it into the office along with a medication authorization form.
According to state guidelines a student must be in school for 5 hours to be present fora full day; students arriving after 9:00, or leaving before 10:30 will be 1/2 day.
Please keep the numbers on your emergency/enrollment card up to date. If your child becomes ill during the school day, it is important that we are able to reach someone to pick your child up. We request that the emergency contact be available to pick up your child within a reasonable amount of time. In the event of an evacuation of the school, your child can only be released to people listed on the emergency card.
Students who miss more than 20 days of the day's school in session, may be retained in the same grade for another year.
Tardiness: It is important that your child is in class at the starting time. Tardiness affects your child's learning as well as that of the other children in the classroom as it disrupts the class. If a student arrives for school after the tardy bell (with the exception of late buses) he/she is considered tardy, and must stop at the office to get a tardy slip, which is given to their homeroom teacher.
Excused Absence Requests: No student will be excused from school except on written request of a parent or guardian. A principal may deny a request when he/she feels removing the child from school would not be in the child's best interest. No student will be released from school for part of the day unless a parent or legal guardian signs out the student at the school office.