• Welcome to Mrs. Daimid's room!

    Thank you for visiting our website!
    Feel free to contact me whenever you have questions or concerns.  You can reach me at tdaimid@ahsd125.org.
  • Click below to see the latest newsletter.






  • The classroom rules are: I am Kind, I am Responsible, I am Safe.  Students who follow these rules will earn stamps to go to the prize box.  If students choose not to follow the rules they will miss out on a portion of fun class activities.  Please note that every time the student is reprimanded, I will discuss with the student how she/he could have handled the situation in a more appropriate manner.

Birthday balloons
  • Birthdays

    Students may bring in one individually wrapped treat or one small toy to celebrate his/her birthday.   No gift bags or cupcakes please.  Birthdays will also be celebrated with a song, birthday crown, birthday sticker, and face or arm painting.  We currently have 21 students in the class.


Specials Schedule

  • Monday- Gym

    Tuesday- Library

    Wednesday- Fine Arts

    Thursday- Gym




  • Homework is an important connection between home and school.  Students will have an occasional "fun" homework assignment.  Instructions will be sent home or found on Seesaw.  In addition, every Wednesday starting in October, students will login to Lexia and spend 20 minutes completing phonological activities.  Also, in January, sight words will be sent home for your child to study.  Once we have begun guided reading, (typically in February) students will take home the guided reading book they have been working on to read to their families.  Be sure to return the book the following day.  Lastly, please be sure to have your child empty his/her folder and return it every day.